Datasets / Crime statistics

On this page you can see the state of open data for Crime statistics in all the places for which we have information.

Dataset Description

Data on municipal crime, preferably at a reasonably disaggregated level (best would be exact date, location and type but per day per street or post/zip code would be acceptable)

Place Score Breakdown Year Location (URL) Information
Paris 60%
2014 Propose Revisions
Bordeaux - Submit information
Le Havre - Submit information
Lille 0%
Propose Revisions
Lyon - Submit information
Marseille - Submit information
Montpellier - Submit information
Nantes - Submit information
Nice - Submit information
Reims - Submit information
Rennes - Submit information
Saint-Étienne - Submit information
Strasbourg - Submit information
Toulon - Submit information
Toulouse - Submit information
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data